Autor: Paul Conti

The Trauma Virus

I wrote this book to sound the alarm about trauma. Trauma is way too prevalent, harmful, contagious, and often invisible — just like a virus. And if we keep ignoring that fact and allowing trauma to remain hidden, I wouldn’t bet on our ever defeating it.

The Trauma Virus

I probably use this analogy the most, and it’s certainly germane at the time I’m writing this book. I’ve been thinking of trauma as an epidemic for years now, but recently the Covid-19 pandemic has hit home everywhere, and I’ve started considering trauma as being like a virus that also leaves far too many people dead and suffering aftereffects in its wake. As with Covid, you can’t see trauma itself; you just see it at work—silently but maliciously. As it harms one person, it replicates and jumps to another; then it spreads to another and often back again. Unfortunately, there aren’t vaccine trials for trauma, and early testing for trauma is woefully lacking. And until we employ all of the tools at our disposal and finally face the threat of the trauma virus, not only will our happiness and well-being remain threatened but also our survival.

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